Thursday, March 3, 2016

Chapter 8 and 9 quotation

Chapter 8 page 62 Quotation 
"The big mulatto from Poulaya had predicted it , hadn't he? It was ge , Matthew Antoine , as teacher then, who stood by the fence while we chopped the wood. He had told us then that most of us would die violently , and those who did not would be brought down to the level of beasts. Told us that there was no other choice but to run and run. That he was living testimony of someone who should have run."
 What is the conflict in this quotation?
The conflict in this quote is that white  man believes that they would be nothing if they stayed. Also that if they didn't die violently they would be brought down to the level of beasts and would not be nothing in life. Also they would not be able to become better in life. So they should run to avoid becoming like him. And those who did not run would live a horrible life or horrible death. 
Does this quote characterize anyone? If so who and how does it charactice them?
This quote characterizes Mr. Antoine because he shows no sign of courage in the boys. Because he tells them that they would not have a good and successful life.
Chapter 9 Page 72-73 Quotation:
  " Look what I brought you", she said. "I knowed how much you like my fried chicken. Brought you some yams and some tea cakes, too. Ain't you go'n try some of it.
   "It don't matter," I heard him say. He was looking up at the ceiling.
  "What don't matter?"
  "Nothing don't matter ,"he said, looking up at the ceiling but not seeing the ceiling.
   "It matter to me, Jefferson," she said." You matter to me."
He looked up at the ceiling , not seeing it."Jefferson?"
"Chicken, dirt it don't matter ," he said.
  "Yeah it do , Jefferson . Yeah it do. "Dirt?"
"All the same,"he said. "It don't matter".
Does this quotation show conflict? If so what is the conflict?
The conflict in this quotation is that Jefferson won't eat, because he wants everyone to suffer like he is suffering while he is in jail and on death.
Does this quotation characterize anyone? If so who and does it charactrrize them?
It characterizes Jefferson because he is showing self pity. Also he being kind of rude because he is really not talking to Miss Emma and Grant. He is being rude because he is not looking at them at all. He is just looking up at the ceiling.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

A quote from chapter 4: " I am going to Bayonne", I told my aunt. " I'll be back to cook in a little while.", she said. "I'll eat in town " I said.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

If I could travel o any place in the world it would be Paris, France. One reason is because it is the city of love and romance. Also it seems like a beautiful place to go and get away and relax. Also it beautiful all throughout the day and night. Also it has one of the wonders of the world the  Eiffel tower which would be a great place to visit while in Paris. Also it has a variety of food to eat. Also it is beautiful
all year round.